Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Does this loom. . .

. . . make my butt look big?

While checking the tension on some new warp that I had tied on, I stepped away from the loom briefly, then returned to find Pants sprawled comfortably upon the apron.


  1. Doesn't look the most comfortable place to sit!

  2. Oh, dear! Maybe you should be careful for a while. Pants might want payback for that shot!

  3. Our pets just want to be where we are ... and sometimes it makes no sense at all!

  4. Pants just shape-shifted to fill the space so he wouldn't have to share it with one of the other household furs. It's beginning to look like you should have a loom for each fur in the house plus one, so there would be one for you to work at.

  5. Pants is a big cat. He's close to 20 pounds. When he decided to sprawl on the loom, he completely filled the 22" width of weaving space. This table loom has a canvas cloth that both front and back apron rods fit into. The way I left the front one made a wonderful little sling/hammock just right for him. If this continues, I'm probably going to have to evict one of the 2-legs in the household and take my studio bedroom back (then I can set up the much larger floor loom, too!).

    And here's hoping he doesn't want payback for unflattering shot!!

  6. Now that's a big cat! Love his name!

  7. So funny...looks like Emily, especially when she wants something from me (or thinks she's helping me.)
    Smile today. :)

  8. hahahahaaaa!!!!!! (in answer to the question, pants...) i plead the fifth!!!!

  9. Weave-a-cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
