Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunny Bunnies

Matilda and Gabby enjoy some time outside in the playpen.

Mopsy relaxes a bit, then decides to squeeze into that good hidey hole.

LillieBun likes the shade. Later she checks out the recycled litter box as a good place to hide.


  1. Quite a gang! Thats one critter I have not seen around the retreat.

  2. Well, Rusty, on the wild side, we get possums, raccoons, lots of squirrels and chipmunks, owls, hawks, and an occasional snake. No skunks, but have friends who've had them get under their houses.

  3. Very cute bunnies, your Mopsy looks a bit like my Emily (if she was a bunny!) I liked the shot of her in her little hidey space.
    Smile today. :)

  4. Awe, so cute!! I had a bunny when I was in High school, I use to put a leash on him and I would take him for a walk. He was a sweet bunny. Bunnies are so sweet. You are blessed with yours. I bet it is relaxing to see them explore!

  5. @Gloria: Mopsy is rather bulky and can just fit in the hole in the cinder block. I'm sure she feels secure in it. Since she's lived here, she has trimmed down a bit. I think getting to exercise outside has helped.
    @Daisymum: I really like to watch the bunnies when they are out in the playpens. I have to "bunnysit" because we have hawks and owls in the neighborhood that would probably like a little rabbit snack--and I don't really trust the family cats. I usually spin or knit while watching them. It is a pleasant way to spend time.

  6. What lovely buns you have Melissa. They are so sweet. We never had buns as kids - we had kitties instead.

  7. I am fond of the bunnies. My experience with pet rabbits began in 2001 when I finally gave in to the kids' requests for a bunny. I was amazed at these interesting, smart, and inquisitive creatures. They are an endless source of entertainment, joy, and, well those less than endearing things that pets sometimes bring us. We also have the cats, of course. And the Dog. What would I do without critters?

  8. Makes me miss our bunnies (Coco, Pepper, Floppy and Jumpy.) So sweet. We had rabbits for many years but, living in northern colorado, it was labor intensive in the winter.

  9. Robin, here in the south, it is the hot summer weather that is risky for the buns. I tend to only let them play outside in the early morning or the evenings once it gets really hot. They do love being outside.
