Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lehman House of Couture Assistant Position in Jeopardy

Miss Twinkie caught in the act!

Using fabric and thread for recreational purposes.

click on photos for full frame

Then tried to disavow any knowledge of alleged offenses.

Assistant Twinkie is officially on notice and cat treats will be withheld until behavior is modified.



  1. She is too cute to fire; just a stern reprimand.

  2. Mr. Mick, pro bunno lawyer, is willing to negotiate a sentence for Ms. Twinkie. He says since this is her first offense (that we know of, anyway), a stern lecture, a one-hour ban on treats and removal from the location of the offense should be sufficient.

  3. You can't discipline that cat. Besides, they don't pay attention anyway. Give up.

  4. Twinkle has beautiful features and I love her eyes. Just a verbal warning is in order.

  5. Isn't this what cats are supposed to do?

  6. Good help is hard to find!

    Don't let that cuteness fool you.
