Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. Thomas Merton

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The Huntsville Botanical Gardens has a scarecrow trail each year during September and October. The scarecrow designs must interpret the designated theme of the year. The theme this year is "Every 'Crow Has A Story." Click here for more information. It is always lots of fun and quite amazing to see the imagination and creativity that local organizations, businesses, and schools put into designing their scarecrows. They have also added hay bale art this year which allows even more imaginative fun. I watched for weeks as they constructed "Black Cat" at the entrance of the botanical gardens and wanted to save posting the photos until closer to Halloween, but it is just too cute to save any longer.

This is located right at the entrance on Bob Wallace Avenue and is a real eye-catcher.

Front view. Get a load of those whiskers!

Left side

And the point of this adorable work of creativity is the local spay-neuter campaign.

If my schedule improves, I hope to be able to actually tour the scarecrow trail and post more photos of the wild and scary things folks have come up with to entertain us this year.

Happy Halloween, Everyone!

(Click on the links for HBG information)


  1. Outstanding! We'll want a full report with pix, or course!

  2. what an amazing scarecat! I love the idea of a scarecrow trail...

  3. How fun! Of course now the buns want a timothy hay bale rabbit to munch on in their room and Fargo wants an orange hay bale cat in the front yard. Thanks for the post!

  4. At Easter the botanical gardens should do a big brown bunny and a duckling and the sign should say "Make mine chocolate,"then they could promote not buying live baby animals as Easter gifts.

  5. I went to their scarecrow trail a couple of years ago and got some pretty funny pictures, but I would have liked this huge cat...and so appropriate for this fall. It seems I have seen more than my usual share of black cats crossing my path...good thing I like cats.
    Smile today. :)

  6. Amazing cat. Love the whiskers. And for such a good cause.

  7. OH i LOVE that cat!! i can't wait to enter the Enchanted Forest...and wander down the Scarecrow Trail!!

    (the cat is made of HAY??!! wow!!)
